Impellers, Erosion and PES 107 XL for Reinforcement

Impellers, Erosion and PES 107 XL for Reinforcement

We offer PES 107 XL as a reinforcement product, in addition to other products for eroded impellers. PES 107 XL reinforcement is great for impellers with erosion, as well as vane erosion. Here are just a few examples of our work.

PES 107 XL for Reinforcement of Impellers with Erosion

Pump Part

In days past, this much damage to a pump part would end up with a trip to the scrap yard.

However, with breakthroughs in polymeric technology, we can refurbish parts using materials that don’t corrode or erode as easily as cast or carbon steels. Plant Equipment and Services offers our Polymeric Engineered Solutions products, along with know-how, to make these repairs.

Application of PES 107 XL and Reinforcement Fabric

The erosion was so severe in this example that forming new threads was necessary, as well as coating bolts with 2 coats of a release agent. In addition, we mixed PES 107 XL and forced it into cavity.

Then, we had to screw treated bolts back down and applied more product. Lastly, we applied reinforcing fabric in addition to more PES 107 XL to build up this area.

PES 107 XL reinforcement

Rebuilding Eroded Guide Vanes

This job is achievable by rebuilding eroded guide vanes using extended life PES 107 XL and layers of reinforcing fabrics.

PES 107 XL reinforcement

Vane Erosion

Vane erosion on the end is more obvious.

PES 107 XL reinforcement

Rebuilding Eroded Areas

This is an example of areas we rebuilt with PES 107 XL and reinforcing fabric.

PES 107 XL reinforcement

For more information on our PES 107 XL as a reinforcement product and reinforcing fabric, contact us here at PES with the link below!